First Week Back!

 In Acting, Dance, Film, Miskin, Music, Musical Theatre, Technical Theatre

We’re finally able to hold in person classes again, after a long period of working remotely.

It’s great to be back in the studios and workshops, catching up on practical skills.

The Dance and Musical Theatre department are busy working towards their show that will take place in May. The dancers have been learning choreography remotely, so it’s great to have them back in the studio working together.

Our technicians have been making props (ice cream sundaes) and basic automatons, as well as doing the get out for the previous show that unfortunately had to be cancelled last year. They have also been catching up on sewing skills, and have started to look at time coding in the lighting department.

Technicians taking down a set

The actors are working on a variety of projects, from Ken Loach style short films, to murder mystery interactive play ‘Murder at The Molloy’ which will be performed online.

Musicians are looking at concepts for the final major project (FMP) which they will perform in May.

We are hoping to allow audiences back in the the Miskin Theatre this summer, if all goes to plan!

Dancers in studio  Fake food - ice cream sundaes Musician playing guitar


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