First Week Back!
We’re finally able to hold in person classes again, after a long period of working remotely. It’s great to be back in the studios and workshops, catching up on practical skills. The [...]
Christmas Show to be Streamed 15th-18th December!
As we are unable to have live shows here in the theatre at the moment, we will be streaming a recording of our Christmas show ‘Ruby’s Slippers’ from the 15th-18th December. [...]
New Term Begins!
It was fantastic to be able to welcome our new dancers, actors, musicians and technicians to the Miskin Theatre, to start their exciting journey with us. The first two weeks have included [...]
Exciting new trailer for feature film ‘Naraku’
The trailer for feature film ‘Naraku’ directed by Dominic Power is out now. The film was made in association with the TV & Film course here at the Miskin Theatre, with the actors [...]
A very busy term at Miskin!
We’ve had an extremely busy term here at the Miskin Theatre, with many varied productions including a Brechtian style devised piece, a sketch show, a Tim Burton inspired visual feast, a [...]