We welcomed all of our new and returning learners back to the Miskin Theatre, with in person training for all. It has been great to get back to doing what we love, with practical sessions and [...]
We’re finally able to hold in person classes again, after a long period of working remotely. It’s great to be back in the studios and workshops, catching up on practical skills. The [...]
It was fantastic to be able to welcome our new dancers, actors, musicians and technicians to the Miskin Theatre, to start their exciting journey with us. The first two weeks have included [...]
Are you interested in a performing arts course? Come along to the theatre on Tuesday 15th October 3-7:30pm to see what we do. We offer courses in acting, dance, musical theatre, music [...]
It’s a busy week here at Miskin, with enrolments taking place for all courses. If you have been offered a place, but haven’t been able to get here to enrol, you can still do so next [...]
We’ve had an extremely busy term here at the Miskin Theatre, with many varied productions including a Brechtian style devised piece, a sketch show, a Tim Burton inspired visual feast, a [...]
Miskin Music 2nd years busy preparing for pre-Halloween fright-fest “Ghouls Night Out”, taking place on Friday 19th October. A spine-tingling mix of deadly grooves and ghostly [...]